Our projects

Changemaker Educations is involved in two international projects where learning is the focus.

Changemaker Educations is involved in two projects funded by the EEA.

The EEA Grants are jointly financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism.

The aim of the program is to reduce economic and social differences within the EEA and to strengthen bilateral relations between Poland and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway in the field of education. In pursuit of this goal, great emphasis is placed on inclusive education, management in education and vocational education and training.

Development and implementation of an effective model for improving the practical professional skills of learners of the Technical School Complex in Czartajewo in cooperation with local entrepreneurs.

The aim of the project is to develop an effective system of organizing apprenticeships at school with the use of an apprenticeship service platform based on an online training and evaluation platform. From the point of view of the project’s objective, it will be important to adjust the results to the expectations of the labor market, the organizational capacity of the school and the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, including the curriculum of education at the Technical Schools.

Project’s poster

The last news from the project

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